Tuition Payment Information

Students pay tuition for all 40 courses they take for their degree (whether those courses are on campus or not). This includes internship placements. Likewise, education students pay tuition when they do their PS I, II, and III placements, as well.

University students pay approximately 30% of the cost of their education. The other 70% comes from federal and provincial government sources. NMED students actually pay even less than 30% of the cost of their education because the cost of their program is so extremely high. Hardware, software, and other equipment is very expensive, particularly anything to do with 3D and film. Students pay the same tuition for a NMED course as they do for a history class, which requires no special equipment.

Because the U of L New Media program receives Access Funding, which offsets the tremendous costs involved in offering this program, NMED students benefit by paying reduced tuition (the same as all other U of L students pay) instead of encountering costs similar to other new media type institutions whose tuition rates can be anywhere from $17,000 to $35,000 per year. Students also have a possibility to apply for affordable personal loans to pay tuition fees.

In addition, regular student fees are included in the cost of your tuition. These fees are calculated by averaging the various costs over what is the average amount of time a student is enrolled in a program (e.g. four year degree) by the various units involved (Rec services, Students' Union, the University) and, we are told, that these fees are not applied to any particular semester. As a department, we have questioned these fees being included for intern students not on campus, but have been told that short of an act of parliament, this fee assessment will not change.

We do feel for students who reach this point in their studies and feel financial crunches. We also know that with U of L backing, doors are being opened to students that would not be otherwise.


NMED 4661 Internship Project