What's Going On

R.I.P. Terry Pratchett

Sir Terry Pratchett wrote dozens of novels, but was also an important advocate for neuroscience, right-to-die legislation and science education. He provided satirical and novel insight into evolutionary biology, physics and chemistry in ways that few other people could provide and the world is a less interesting place without him.

Lab readings

Two weeks ago, we read:

Powell BJ, Leal M (2012) Brain evolution across the Puerto Rican anole radiation. Brain Behav Evol 80: 170-180.

This week, we are reading:

Yopak KE, Lisney TJ, Collin SP (in press) Not all sharks are "swimming noses": variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes. Brain Struc Func

Danielle's MSc defense

Danielle successfully defended her MSc today, after some rather rigorous questions from her examination committee. As is the tradition, we went to Two Guys for celebratory beers and pizza.

Lab reading for 18 Sep

Chawan et al. (2014) Microbats appear to have adult hippocampal neurogenesis, but post-capture stress causes a rapid decline in the number of neurons expressing doublecortin. Neuroscience 277: 724-733.