
Happy New Year

The end of 2018 saw our annual "winter holiday" movie event. This year was Just Friends and was of course accompanied by food from Two Guys Pizza. Currently, most of the lab is attending the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting in Tampa, Florida, prior to returning to dismal Lethbridge next week and the beginning of another semester.

Field Season 2018

This year's field season was a bit less intensive because sometimes life is complicated. Ben led the charge with ground squirrels and collected Richardson's to send to colleagues in Chile as well as Columbian ground squirrels in Fernie, along with Krista, Olivia and Lauren. Andy completed his shortest field season ever for ruffed grouse with the aim of collecting a few more specimens for Golgi staining and to send samples to the Fuxjager lab.

Happy New Year

The Iwaniuk lab closed 2017 with the 3rd annual Christmas movie night. This year's choice was Christmas Vacation along with pizzas from our go-to spot in Lethbridge, Two Guys. 2017 was a productive year in terms of data and specimen collection, so we anticipate 2018 to be a year of lots of writing!

SFN 2017

Just returned from a very successful trip to Washington DC to attend the 29th Annual Karger Workshop, J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and Society for Neuroscience meetings. Ate way too much food with great friends from across the world, including the 4th annual league dinner. If you don't know what that is, you aren't meant to know.


The 17-21 July of this year was spent in Dr. Vera Weisbecker's lab at the University of Queensland. I finally got to sort out how to assemble digital endocasts. It was a very educational and fun experience working with Vera. Can't wait to come back to Brisbane next year!

Fieldwork 2017

Our fieldwork for 2017 just wrapped up. The original plan was for 4 species in 3 provinces, but our plans for BC did not pan out. We were, however, successful in collecting Richardson's ground squirrels and ruffed grouse in Alberta and Franklin's ground squirrels in Manitoba. Now we can spend the summer processing brains, writing papers and wishing we weren't spending summer in Lethbridge...