
Authored Thematic and Topical Introductions:<br />
Classical Traditions; Environment and Population; Climate Change and Natural Disasters; Changes in Food Production and Water Management; Urbanization; Religion and the Environment; Envisioning the Landscape; Society and Culture; The Family; Social Classes; Ethnic Identities; Law; Gender; Education; Food and Cuisine; Leisure; Domestic Architecture; Art; Death and Dying; Migration and Travel; Migration; Nomadic and Seminomadic People; Armies and Associated Travelers; Pilgrims and Missionaries; Changes in Trade Networks; Modes of Transportation; Politics and Statecraft; Political Life in Ancient Africa; The Waning of Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Rise and Fall of Persia; The Kingdoms of Syria-Palestine; Greek Democracy; Rome – from Monarchy to Republic to Emperor; Politics in India; The Rise and Fall of Chinese Dynasties; Agriculture, Trade, and Social Stratification in Asia; “Barbarian” Politics in Europe and Asia; Political Life in the Americas; Imperial Structures, Bureaucracies, and Administration; Politics and Art; Economics and Trade; The Development of Industrial-Scale Agriculture; The Exploitation of Natural Resources; Industrial Developments and New Types of Manufacturing; New Features for Promotion of Commerce and Trade; Types of Labor Forces; Art and Economy; War and Diplomacy; The Rise and Fall of Empires; Captains and Common Soldiers; Practicing Peace; Changes in Warfare; The Arts and War; Thought and Religion; Development of Philosophy in Greece; Judaism and Zoroastrianism – Iron Age Traditions; Nonmonotheistic Religious Traditions; Religious Developments in India; Philosophical and Religious Developments in East Asia; New Religious Lifestyles; Religious Literature; Art Inspired by Religion; Science and Technology; Understanding the Physical World; Treating the Abstract – Mathematics; Understanding the Body; Understanding Human Action; Technological Developments; Monumental Wonders of the Ancient World, 1000 BCE-300 CE.<br />
Authored Entries:<br />
The Tocharians; Genetics and Nationalism; Women in Rome; Women in the Public Sphere; Warnings About Food in the Dao De Jing; Daphnis and Chloe; Ancient Aksum – An Ethiopian Trade Kingdom; The Archaeology of Aksum; Spice Trade Kingdoms of Yemen; Frankincense and Myrrh; The Nabataeans; The Al Khazneh at Petra; The United Monarchy of Saul, David, and Solomon; Antimonarchical Sentiments in the Books of Samuel; Philistia and Phoenicia in the Iron II Period; The Phoenicians and Punic Identity; The Rise and Fall of Small States in Jordan – Ammon, Moab, and Edom; The Languages of Ancient Jordan; The Fall of the Monarchy and the Rise of the Republic in Rome; Governance in the Roman Republic; The Office of Dictator in the Roman Republic; Politics in the Roman Republic; The Augustan Principate; Politics in the Roman Empire; The Emperors of Rome; The Decentralization of Rome under the Barracks Emperors and Reunification under Diocletian; Olmec Heads; Altars at La Venta; Industrial Olive Oil and Wine Production in Philistia; What Did an Olive Oil Factory Look Like at Tel Miqne-Ekron?; The Invention of Crossbows; The Composite Bow; Other Dualistic Traditions in Persia; The Book of Giants.