Fourier transform spectroscopy of torsionally excited C-13 methanolin the CO-stretching band


Lees RM, Mukhopadhyay I, Predoi A, Lewis-Bevan W, Johns JWC. Fourier transform spectroscopy of torsionally excited C-13 methanolin the CO-stretching band. Journal of Chemical Physics. 1996;105.


Torsionally excited n51 and n52 subbands of the CO-stretching fundamental have been assignedin the Fourier transform infrared spectrum of 13CH3OH recorded at a resolution of 0.002 cm21. Forthe n51 torsional state, subbands with K values up to 7 have been identified for A torsionalsymmetry and up to 5 for E symmetry. For n52, four subbands have so far been assigned. Subbandorigins have been obtained by fitting the observed wave numbers to J(J11) power-seriesexpansions. The expansion parameters represent the data compactly to close to the experimentaluncertainty in the absence of line blending or perturbations. Significant downshifting of the n51origins is observed, correlated closely with proximity to the n50 OH-bending state. J-localizedperturbations have been observed and characterized for several subbands. Two of the far-infraredlaser lines optically pumped by the 10R~14! CO2 laser line have been assigned. © 1996 AmericanInstitute of Physics. @S0021-9606~96!01029-X#