Toxicity of uranium mine-receiving waters to caged fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas


Pyle GG, Swanson SM, Lehmkuhl DM. Toxicity of uranium mine-receiving waters to caged fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2001;48:202-214.


Larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were placed at four exposure sites for 7 days in each of five lakes surrounding the Key Lake uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Fish placed in lakes receiving Mo-contaminated mill effluent demonstrated higher mortalities than those placed in lakes receiving Ni-contaminated mine-dewatering effluent, which was not significantly different from reference sites. No significant differences were detected in fish growth among the study lakes because of the high (90%) mortality in Fox and Unknown lakes. Principal components analysis characterized exposure sites by total- and dissolved-metal concentration. Stepwise multiple regression of fish mortality on principal components (PCs) generated from total-metal data showed that PC1 could account for 84% of the variance associated with fish mortality. Careful examination of the metals that correlated strongly with PC1 and with fish mortality suggested that dietary Se toxicity probably resulted in the differential fathead minnow mortality observed among study lakes.


Record Number: 1601