
Geog 2300 Weather and Climate

This course on Weather and Climate will provide student with an understanding of the linkages between the atmosphere, hydrosphere and land surface interactions responsible for creating the weather and climate that we see each day. In this course, we will examine fluxes of mass and energy exchanges, radiation, precipitation, winds and weather systems.

Geog 3850 / Envs 3000 Wetlands

Wetlands are defined as “land saturated with water long enough to promote formation of water altered soils, growth of water tolerant vegetation, and various kinds of biological activity that are adapted to the wetland environment” (Alberta Wetland Policy, 2013). In this course, students will learn about the processes that occur within these highly biodiverse ecosystems and will integrate their understanding of wetland process into classification (both observational and using GIS/remote sensing methods) and policy frameworks.

Geog 3400 Hydrology 1

An introductory course on hydrology, the course focuses on the water balance including inputs, outputs and changes in storage, touching on key components of this complex system. Students are exposed to field work, hydro-meteorology, physical processes and modelling.

Geog 1000 - Introduction to Physical Geography

Introduction to Physical Geography is just that! An introduction to the concepts, definitions and processes that drive our Earth System. Students learn about topics in the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere and geosphere. The final project is a creative group assignment that involves changing an element of the Earth System and then describing the processes and feedbacks this influences.