Contact & Updates

I retired from my full-time faculty position at the University of Lethbridge on June 30, 2024. I am now Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Philosophy, University of Lethbridge. 

My email address will continue to work indefinitely.  If you wish to get in touch, please just email me at either of the following: kent.peacock<at>, or kentalan01<at> 

My family and I are in process of packing up our house in Lethbridge and moving back to Ontario, precise location to be determined.  When I am able to get back to my keyboard I intend to set up a new web page where I will archive some of my published work and post updates on work in progress—in particular, my long-awaited text on symbolic logic, to be published by the (almost) infinitely-patient Broadview Press. 

As far as I know, this OpenScholar site at U of Lethbridge will remain alive for some time to come.  However, I will post a link to my new site as soon as I have it. 

To whoever may be reading this, thanks for your interest, and please keep in touch!

— Kent P.

— July 25, 2024