
I am Assistant Professor in Women & Gender Studies at the University of Lethbridge.  My research interests are in the areas of law, gender and sexuality; critical race feminisms; and the politics of nationalism, multiculturalism & LGBTQ rights. Specifically, my work focuses on the convivial and contested terrains of marriage law, lesbian/gay/queer rights and processes of racialization. 

I am currently co-editing  a manuscript titled, "Disturbing Canadian Homonationalisms: Queer Interventions" (under review with UBC Press). The edited collection foregrounds critical race/queer diasporic/Indigenous scholarship to critically examine the deepening relationships between homosexuality, nationalism, multiculturalism and belonging and hence to offer a contrapuntal reading of normative Canadian gay politics, scholarship and activisms.

I am also co-editing a special issue of Canadian Journal of Law & Society on the theme of Law & Decolonization.

I am at the beginning stages of a new research project entitled "Intimate Publics: A Socio-Legal Genealogy of Polygamy & Property Relations." The focus of the project is a social and legal history of the regulation of polygamy in Canada, with a particular focus on its connections to and with property relations (both as material and social).


I teach the following undergraduate courses in our department:  Introduction to Women & Gender Studies;  Activism & Advocacy;  Feminist Theory;  Gender, Sexuality & Human Rights; and Marriage & Citizenship. Additionally, I have supervised a number of undergraduate Independent and Applied Studies courses. 

I also teach Classical Feminist Theory & Contemporary Feminist Theory  as part of the MA degree in Women & Gender Studies.