My PhD dissertation of 1991 has occasionally been cited or requested, but the only publicly available version of it is in the microfiche archive at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, which apparently requires a UM password to access. I've finally taken the time to reconstruct the file, correct typos and other small infelicities, scan in the graphics, and hyperlink the Table of Contents. Some parts of the old input file were mysteriously missing, no doubt due to it having been transferred between three or four different computer systems over the past 28 years, and I had to retype them from a printed copy of the thesis.
Here it is:
Peaceful Coexistence or Armed Truce? Quantum Nonlocality and the Spacetime View of the World.
I would express many of the ideas in this thesis differently now, and I hope more clearly and accurately, but I will have to let the record stand. A copy will also be placed in OPUS, the repository at the University of Lethbridge Library. Here is a link to my page on OPUS.