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Current Research
List of papers on google scholar.
[Internet]. 2024.
Publisher's Version
Dohms KD, Graham BA, Burg TM
Multilocus genetic analyses and spatial modeling reveal complex population structure and history in a widespread resident North American passerine (
Perisoreus canadensis
. Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2017;7:9869-9889.
Publisher's Version
Burg TM, Catry P, Ryan PG, Phillips RA
Genetic population structure of black-browed and Campbell albatrosses, and implications for assigning provenance of birds killed in fisheries
. Aquatic Conservation. 2017;27:1156-1163.
Munro K, Burg TM
Southern Ocean seabirds: patterns and processes
. Emu [Internet]. 2017;117:4-18.
Publisher's Version
Adams RV, Lazerte SE, Otter KA, Burg TM
Influence of landscape features on the microgeographic genetic structure of a resident songbird
. Heredity [Internet]. 2016;117:63-72.
Publisher's Version
Macfarlane CBA, Natola L, Brown M, Burg TM
Population genetic isolation and limited[TB1] connectivity[TB1]Update in CV, short CV, common CV and webpagef the purPopulation genetic isolation and limited connectivity in the purple finch Population genetic isolation and limited connectivity in the pur
. Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2016;6(22):8304-8317.
Publisher's Version
Adams RV, Burg TM
Gene flow of a forest-dependent bird across a fragmented landscape
. PLoSONE [Internet]. 2015;10(11):e0140938.
Publisher's Version
Adams RV, Burg TM
Influence of ecological and geological features on rangewide patterns of genetic structure in a widespread passerine
. Heredity [Internet]. 2015;114(2):143-154.
Publisher's Version
Dohms KD, Burg TM
Limited genetic structure detected in a widespread Palearctic corvid,
Nucifraga caryocatactes
. PeerJ [Internet]. 2014;2:e371.
link to article
Burg TM, Bird H, Lait L, Brooke ML
Colonization pathways of the northeast Atlantic by northern fulmars: A test of James Fisher's ‘out of Iceland’ hypothesis using museum collections
. Journal of Avian Biology [Internet]. 2014;45:209-218.
link to article
Abbott CL, Millikin RL, Hipfner M, Hatch S, Ito M, Watanuki Y, Watanuki Y
Genetic structure of rhinoceros auklets, Cerorhinca monocerata, breeding in British Columbia, Alaska and Japan
. Marine Biology. 2014;161:275-283.
Burg TM, Taylor SA, Lemmen KD, Gaston AJ, Friesen VL
Post-glacial population genetic differentiation potentially facilitated by a flexible migratory strategy in golden-crowned kinglets (Regulus satrapa)
. Canadian Journal of Zoology [Internet]. 2014;92:163-172.
link to article
Dohms KD, Burg TM
Molecular markers reveal limited population genetic structure in a North American corvid, Clark’s nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana)
. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2013;8(11):e79621.
Link to article
Lait LA, Burg TM
When east meets west: the population genetics of a high-latitude resident species, the boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus), using molecular markers and ecological niche modelling
. Heredity [Internet]. 2013;111:321-329.
link to article
Lait LA, Lauff RF, Burg TM
Genetic evidence supports boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus) x black-capped chickadee
. Canadian Field Naturalist . 2012;126(2):143-147.
Burg TM, Lauff RF
An anomalous northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) egg
. Canadian Field Naturalist . 2012;126:41-45.
Pulgarín-Restrepo PC, Burg TM
Genetic signals of demographic expansion in downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) after the last North American glacial maximum
. PLoS ONE. 2012;7:e40412.
Grava A, Grava T, Didier R, Lait LA, Dosse J, Koran E, Burg TM, Otter KA
Interspecific dominance and hybridization between black-capped chickadee and mountain chickadee
. Behavioral Ecology. 2012;23(3):566-572.
Graham B, Burg TM
Molecular markers provide insights into contemporary and historic gene flow in a non-migratory species
. Journal of Avian Biology. 2012;43:198-214.
Burg TM, Martin AB
No island hopping for Hawaiian petrels
. Heredity. 2012;109:4-5.
Pravosudov VV, Forister ML, Roth II TC, LaDage LD, Burg TM, Braun MJ, Davidson BS
Population genetic structure and its implications for adaptive variation in memory and the hippocampus on a continental scale in food-caching black-capped chickadee
. Molecular Ecology. 2012;21:4486-4497.
Lait LA, Friesen VL, Gaston AJ, Burg TM
The post-Pleistocene population genetic structure of a western North American passerine: The chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens
. Journal of Avian Biology. 2012;43:541-552.
Hale ML, Burg TM, Steeves TE
Sampling for microsatellite-based population genetic studies: 25 to 30 individuals per population is enough to accurately estimate allele frequencies
. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2012;7(9):e45170.
link to article
Rains D, Weimerskirch H, Burg TM
Piecing together the global population puzzle of wandering albatrosses: Genetic anaylsis of the Amsterdam albatross
. Journal of Avian Biology. 2011;42:69-79.
Burg TM
Genetic analysis of wandering albatrosses killed in longline fisheries off the east coast of New Zealand
. Aquatic Conservation. 2008;Special Issue:S93-101.
Friesen VL, Burg TM, McCoy KM
Mechanisms of population differentiation in seabirds
. Molecular Ecology. 2007;16:1765-1785.
Burg TM, Gaston AJ, Winker K, Friesen VL
Effects of Pleistocene glaciations on population structure of North American chestnut-backed chickadees
. Molecular Ecology. 2006;15:2409-2419.
Burg TM, Croxall JP
Extrapair paternities in black-browed Thalassarche melanophris, grey-headed T. chrysostoma and wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans at South Georgia
. Journal of Avian Biology. 2006;37:331-338.
Burg TM
Overview of seabird genetics
. Arquipélago [Internet]. 2005;22A:27-29.
Burg TM, Gaston AJ, Winker K, Friesen VL
Rapid divergence and post-glacial colonization in western North American Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri)
. Molecular Ecology. 2005;14:3745-3755.
Burg TM, Croxall JP
Global population structure and taxonomy of the wandering albatross species complex
. Molecular Ecology. 2004;13:2345-2355.
Burg TM, Lomax J, Almond R, de Brooke ML, Amos W
Unravelling dispersal patterns in an expanding population of a highly mobile seabird, the northern fulmar
. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B. 2003;270:979-984.
Smith HM, Burg TM, Chiszar D
Evolutionary speciation in the alligator lizards of the genus Barisia
. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society . 2002;38(1):23-26.
Martin AP, Burg TM
Perils of paralogy: using HSP70 genes for inferring organismal phylogenies
. Systematic Biology. 2002;51(4):570-587.
Burg TM, Croxall JP
Global relationships amongst black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses: analysis of population structure using mtDNA and microsatellites
. Molecular Ecology. 2001;10(11):2647-2660.
Gemmell NJ, Burg TM, Boyd IL, Amos W
Low reproductive success in territorial male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) suggests the existence of alternative mating strategies
. Molecular Ecology. 2001;10(2):451-460.
Moore PJ, Burg TM, Taylor GA, Millar CD
Provenance and sex-ratio of black-browed albatrosses, Thalassarche melanophris, breeding on Campbell Island, New Zealand
. Emu. 2001;101(4):329-334.
Burg TM, Trites AW, Smith MJ
Mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA analyses of harbour seal population structure in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1999;77(6):930-943.
Recent Publications
List of papers on google scholar.
Multilocus genetic analyses and spatial modeling reveal complex population structure and history in a widespread resident North American passerine (
Perisoreus canadensis
Southern Ocean seabirds: patterns and processes
Genetic population structure of black-browed and Campbell albatrosses, and implications for assigning provenance of birds killed in fisheries
Influence of landscape features on the microgeographic genetic structure of a resident songbird
Population genetic isolation and limited[TB1] connectivity[TB1]Update in CV, short CV, common CV and webpagef the purPopulation genetic isolation and limited connectivity in the purple finch Population genetic isolation and limited connectivity in the pur