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Thomas Perks, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
My Research
Perks T
Physical capital and the embodied nature of income inequality: Gender differences in the effect of body size on workers’ incomes in Canada
. Canadian Review of Sociology. 2012;40(1):1-25.
Perks T, Haan M
. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2011;40(1):107-129.
Perks T, Haan M
The dwelling-type choices of older Canadians and future housing demand: An investigation using the Aging and Social Support Survey
. Canadian Journal on Aging. 2010;29(3):445-463.
Gawley T, Perks T, Curtis J
Height, gender, and authority status at work: Analyses for a national sample of Canadian workers
. Sex Roles. 2009;60(3-4):208-222.
Haan M, Perks T
The housing careers of older Canadians: An investigation using cycle 16 of the General Social Survey
. Canadian Studies in Population. 2008;35(2):221-244.
Perks T
Does sport foster social capital? The contribution of sport to a lifestyle of community participation
. Sociology of Sport Journal. 2007;24(4):378-401.
Curtis J, Perks T
Gender, early experiences with voluntary community activities, and adult community involvement
. In: Diversity, Social Capital, & the Welfare State. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press; 2007.
Hayduk L, Pazderka-Robinson H, Cummings GG, Boadu K, Verbeek EL, Perks T
The weird world, and equally weird measurement models: Reactive indicators and the validity revolution
. Structural Equation Modeling. 2007;14(2):280-310.
Curtis J, Grabb E, Perks T
Inequalities in political and community participation
. In: Dimensions of Inequality in Canada . Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press; 2006.
Curtis J, Grabb E, Perks T, Chui T
Political involvement, civic engagement, and social inequality
. In: Social Inequality in Canada: Patterns, Problems, Policies (4th ed.). Toronto: Pearson Education; 2004.
Curtis J, Baer D, Grabb E, Perks T
Estimation des tendances de l’engagement dans les associations volontaires au cours des dernières décennies au Québec et au Canada anglais [Estimating trends in voluntary association activity over recent decades in Quebec and English Canada]
. Sociologie et Sociétés. 2003;35(1):115-142.
Recent Publications
Physical capital and the embodied nature of income inequality: Gender differences in the effect of body size on workers’ incomes in Canada
The dwelling-type choices of older Canadians and future housing demand: An investigation using the Aging and Social Support Survey
Height, gender, and authority status at work: Analyses for a national sample of Canadian workers
The housing careers of older Canadians: An investigation using cycle 16 of the General Social Survey
Does sport foster social capital? The contribution of sport to a lifestyle of community participation