
                              CSZ-2015: Natalia, Brad, Cam, Melissa, Stephanie, Zach

                               CSZ-2015: Natalia, Brad, Cam, Melissa, Stephanie, Zach


I tend to have 2-4 graduate students at any one time in my lab. I also aim to have a handful of senior undergraduate researchers in the lab, especially over the summer months, most of whom complete short-term empirical studies to fulfill requirements of their Independent or Applied Study courses. My office and lab are in the new Water and Environmental Science Building located at the northwest corner of our campus. The facilities in this building are state-of-the-art, including the new Aquatic Research Facility that houses a splendid range of holding and experimental aquaria and flumes to support the aquatic arm of my research program. 

Current students:

Molly Tilley (M.Sc. candidate). Ecological epidemiology of an emerging myxozoan in fathead minnows in Southern Alberta (ongoing).

Sarah Hirtle (M.Sc. candidate). Causes and consequences of multiparasitism in fathead minnows. (ongoing)

Past students:

Sarah Unrau (M.Sc., 2019). Altered behaviour and site selection of larval Dicrocoelium dendriticum in zombie ants. Currently: Aquatic Research Technician, Campbell River, BC.

Micky Ahn (M.Sc., 2019). Host community structure, diluttion, and risk of infection in minnows and snails exposed to larval trematodes. Currently: Ph.D. candidate, U of Calgary (Poissant lab).

Brad van Paridon (Ph. D. 2017). Invasion history, population genetics, and life cycle of the emerging liver fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in North America. Science Writer, Germany.

Natalia Phillips (M. Sc. 2017). Immunodiagnosis and immunobiology of emerging liver fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in cattle and sheep. Currently: Realtor, Calgary, AB.

Zach Dempsey (M. Sc. 2017). Ecology, distribution, and parasitism of Oreohelid land snails in southern Alberta. Currently: Academic Assistant, Department Biology, Red Deer College, AB.

Melissa Beck (Ph. D. 2015). Ecological epidemiology of the invasive liver fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in Cypress Hills Park, Alberta. Currently: Infection Prevention and Control, Lethbridge General Hospital, AB.

Stephanie Crowshoe (2015) - Ecological epidemiology of an emerging virus in western tiger salamanders in Alberta. Currently: Fisheries Biologist, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Crowsnest Pass, AB.

Tony Stumbo (2012) - Avoidance behaviours of fish exposed to parasites. Currently: Academic Assistant, Dept. Biology, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ.

Chelsea Matisz (2009) - Tissue and cellular responses of fish to brain-inhabiting parasites. Currently: Post-Doctoral fellow;  Dept. Neurosciences, U of Lethbridge.

Clayton James (2008) - Behavioural and immunological response of fish to a skin-penetrating parasite. Currently: Head, Whirling Disease Research Group, Government of Alberta, Edmonton.

Sara Skotarek (2008) - Transmission biology of a common cestode of horses in Alberta. Currently: Academic Assistant, U Calgary School of Veterinary Medicine.

Kim Pearson (2004) - Effects of introduced trout on the demography, life-history and behaviour of long-toed salamanders. Park Biologist, Waterton Lakes National Park, AB.

Jason Schleppe (2002) - Ecology of two species of larval parasites in fathead minnows – Currently: Senior Biologist and President, Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd., Kelowna).

Rebecca Baldwin (2000) - Parasite community structure in Lake Whitefish from the Caribou Mountains, Alberta. Currently: Sustainable Resource Development – Fisheries, Fort McMurray, AB.

Sho Shirakashi (2002) - Behaviour of trematode-infected minnows. Currently: Associate Professor, Kinki University, Japan.

Greg Sandland – (1999) - Interactions between a brain-encysting trematode and its intermediate host, the fathead minnow.  Currently: Professor, Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.