Patitsas SN.
Cooling by Thermodynamic Induction. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2017;186:316-346.
AbstractA method is described for cooling conductive channels to below ambienttemperature. The thermodynamic induction principle dictates that the electricallybiased channel will cool if the electrical conductance decreases with temperature. Theextent of this cooling is calculated in detail for both cases of ballistic and conventionaltransport with specific calculations for carbon nanotubes and conventional metals,followed by discussions for semiconductors, graphene, and metal–insulator transitionsystems. A theorem is established for ballistic transport stating that net cooling isnot possible. For conventional transport, net cooling is possible over a broad temperaturerange, with the range being size-dependent. A temperature clamping schemefor establishing a metastable nonequilibrium stationary state is detailed and followedwith discussion of possible applications to on-chip thermoelectric cooling in integratedcircuitry and quantum computer systems.